Who She Is…
Leigh-Ann Whitworth is the founder and owner of Pink Gloves Boxing Butte America and its home gym, Stick and Move.
According to her Facebook profile, she is a Hairdresser/Boxing trainer/Hair show creator/Promoter/Mother/Daughter/Friend.
They don't know her like we do, however.
Leigh-Ann is all that, and more. She is
A Mentor.
A Fighter.
A Muther (when necessary!)
A Woman.
A Champion.
What She Loves...
Leigh-Ann teaches the following workout sessions at PGB:
Top o' the morning classes Tuesday - Thursday at 6 a.m.
Let's MOVE and Parkinson's therapy (BA Boxing)
Medicine ball class; Pink Gloves boxing class Wednesdays
What She Believes…
Comparison is the thief of joy.
90 percent is showing up.
Every rep is important.
There's a champion inside all of us.